Become resident in Spain
Become resident in Spain
What is the Certificate of Registration as EU resident?
European Union citizens that intended to live in Spain more than 6 months should apply for the green Residence Card, Residencia. You don’t need to wait for the 6 months to pass. You can apply at any time always that you have the 2 following conditions:
- Have a total medical coverage in Spain with a public or private insurance
- Have a stable income, pension or own a property in Spain without a mortgage
Once you are Resident, your national medical insurance and doctors will be in Spain as well as your driving licence and tax return declaration. The Card/Certificate will include your NIE number and you obtain it on the same day.
You can apply for the green Residence Card (Certificate of Registration as a European Community resident) at Torre del Mar National Police Station (called Comisaria) in Avenida de Andalucía, 55. Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 14:00. Each person, including children, must go to there.
What is the Certificate of Registration as EU resident?
It is the document certifying that a national from an EU member country is legally resident in Spain.
This document merely certifies that the EU citizen is resident in Spain. It does not identify the holder or prove their nationality. Identity and nationality can only be certified by the identity document issued by the country of origin (national identity document or valid passport).
From 2 April 2007, the requirement for nationals of an EU member country to obtain a resident’s card if they intended to remain in Spain for a period of over 3 months was abolished. This card was replaced by a certificate stating that the holder is registered in the applicable Central Register of Foreign Nationals. However, European Community residents in possession of a valid resident’s card may wait until it expires before requesting their Registry Inscription Certificate.
The inscription certificate contains the holders’ personal details, nationality, home address, NIE (tax code) and date of issue, and has no expiry date.
Les citoyens de l’Union Européenne qui envisagent de vivre en Espagne plus de 6 mois, peuvent demander le Certificat de registre pour citoyen de l’UE, également connu sous le nom de Certificat de Résidence ou Carte Verte. Vous n’avez pas besoin d’attendre les premiers 6 mois ; vous pouvez solliciter le certificat dès le début si vous remplissez les conditions suivantes :
- Posséder une couverture médicale totale provenant d’un service public ou assurance privée.
- Attestation de : revenu régulier ou pension/retraite ou être propriétaire d’un logement en Espagne sans hypothèque.
Une fois que vous avez le Certificat de Résidence, votre assurance médicale publique d’un pays membre de l’UE et votre médecin de famille, votre permis de conduire et votre déclaration de revenus, tous seront relié à l’Espagne. Le Certificat de registre incorpore le numéro NIE et s’obtiens à la fois que le certificat.
Vous pouvez présenter la demande d’enregistrement (Certificat de registre pour citoyen de l’UE) au Commissariat de Torre del Mar, sis dans l’Avenue de Andalucía, 55 du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 au 14h00. On recommande que tout le monde qui veut être enregistré, adultes ou enfant, se présente personnellement pour la présentation de la documentation requise.
Qu’est-ce que le certificat de Registre en tant que résident communautaire ?
C’est le document à travers lequel les ressortissants des pays membres de l’UE attestent de leur résidence légale en Espagne.
Ce document n’atteste que de la résidence du citoyen communautaire en Espagne mais n’identifie pas le titulaire ni atteste de sa nationalité. Lesdites situations ne peuvent être attestées qu’à travers les documents d’identification de son pays d’origine (carte nationale d’identité ou passeport en vigueur).
Depuis le 2 avril 2007, les ressortissants d’un pays membre de l’UE dont l’intention serait de résider pour un période supérieure à 3 mois en Espagne n’ont plus besoin d’obtenir une carte de résidence. Ladite carte a été remplacée par le certificat correspondant qui prouve l’inscription au Registre central des étrangers. En tout cas, les résidents européens dont leur carte de résidence serait toujours en vigueur, peuvent attendre jusqu’à ce qu’elle arrive à échéance pour demander leur certificat d’inscription au Registre.
Le certificat d’inscription contient les données personnelles de la personne intéressée, l’adresse, le NIE et la date de délivrance, et il n’expire pas.
Como ciudadano de la Unión Europea que tengas previsto vivir in España más de 6 meses, puedes solicitar el Certificado de Registro como ciudadano de la UE, conocido también como Certificado de Residencia (Tarjeta Verde). No tienes que esperar a que pasen 6 meses para ello y puedes formular tu solicitud en cualquier momento siempre que cumplas las 2 condiciones siguientes:
- Contar con una cobertura médica total con un servicio público o compañía de seguros privada.
- Contar con ingresos regulares o con una pensión o ser propietario de una vivienda en España sin hipoteca.
Una vez tienes reconocida la residencia, tu cobertura médica pública originaria de un país miembro de la UE y tu médico de familia se encontrarán en España, así como tu permiso de conducir que pasará a ser español y tu declaración de impuestos que será de aplicación en España. La tarjeta/certificado incluye el número NIE y se obtiene a la vez.
Puedes presentar tu solicitud de Tarjeta de Residencia (Certificado de Registro como ciudadano de la UE) en la Comisaría de Policía de Torre del Mar, sita en la Avenida de Andalucía, 55 de lunes a viernes en horario de 8.30hrs a 14.00hrs. Recomendamos que tanto adultos como niños se personen para la presentación de la documentación requerida.
¿Qué es el Certificado de Registro como residente comunitario?
Es el documento a través del cual el nacional de un país miembro de la UE acredita su residencia legal en España.
Este documento acredita únicamente la residencia del ciudadano comunitario en España y no identifica al titular ni acredita su nacionalidad. Dichos extremos solo pueden ser acreditados a través de la documentación identificativa de su país de origen (documento nacional de identidad o pasaporte en vigor).
Desde el 2 de abril 2007 se suprimió la necesidad de obtener una tarjeta de residencia para los nacionales de un país miembro de la UE cuya intención fuera residir por un periodo superior a 3 meses en España. Dicha tarjeta ha sido sustituida por el correspondiente certificado de encontrase inscrito en el correspondiente Registro Central de Extranjeros. En todo caso, aquellos residentes europeos que todavía tengan en vigor su tarjeta de residencia pueden esperar hasta que finalice la vigencia de la misma para solicitar su Certificado de Inscripción en el Registro.
El certificado de inscripción contiene los datos de personales del interesado, nacionalidad, domicilio, NIE, fecha de expedición, pero no tiene caducidad.
Certificate of Registration as EU resident
The information contained in this guide has a merely informative nature, and generates no rights, expectations or responsibilities whatsoever for the Frigiliana Town Hall.
Do not hesitate to contact the foreign department in case of doubts at or come in to Town Hall from Tuesday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00.
Please note
Generally speaking, you must provide copies of all documents and show the originals when making your application. Any document that is not in Spanish must be legalized in your country first and after translated. No documents in a foreign language without sworn translation will be accepted except multilingual documents.
L’information contenue dans ce guide a un caractère simplement informatif, sans que cela n’engendre des droits, expectatives ni responsabilités d’aucune sorte vis à vis de la Commune de Frigiliana.
Si vous avez des questions à poser, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter par courriel ou venant à l’Hôtel de Ville du mardi o vendredi de 09hr à 14hr.
Note importante
Si vous apportez des documents en provenance d’autres pays, ceux-ci devront être traduits en espagnol ou dans la langue officielle du territoire où la demande soit présentée. D’un autre côté, tout document authentique étranger devra être préalablement légalisé par l’Office consulaire en Espagne avec juridiction dans le pays où ledit document a été délivré et par le Ministère des affaires étrangères et de coopération sauf dans le cas où ledit document aurait été apostillé par l’autorité compétente du pays émetteur.
La información contenida en esta guía tiene carácter meramente informativo, sin que genere derechos, expectativas ni responsabilidades de ningún tipo para el Ayuntamiento de Frigiliana.
Si tuviera alguna duda, puede ponerse en contacto con el Ayuntamiento a través del correo electrónico o viniendo al Ayuntamiento de martes a viernes en horario de 09:00hrs a 14:00hrs.
Con carácter general se deberán aportar copias de los documentos y exhibir los originales en el momento de presentar la solicitud. Todo documento que no venga expresado en español deberá ser legalizado en origen y después traducido. Ningún documento en otro idioma que no sea español será aceptado si no es mediante traducción jurada o que el documento sea originalmente emitido en versión multilingüe.
You must be able to prove one of the following:
- That you are employed by someone else in Spain or that you are self-employed employed in Spain or that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your family members.
- You must also show proof that you have public or private health insurance, contracted either in Spain or in another country, which provides cover in Spain during your period of residence equivalent to the level of healthcare provided by the Spanish state healthcare system (Sistema Nacional de Salud).
You will be assessed individually to ascertain whether you have sufficient financial resources, although your personal and family circumstances will be considered. Sufficient proof of meeting this requirement is having an income or financial resources greater than the amount set every year by the State General Budget Law (Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado) to qualify for the right to receive non-contributory benefit, considering the applicant’s personal and family circumstances.
- That you are a student enrolled at a state or private educational institution that is recognised or funded by the education authorities and that you intend to study or undertake vocational training. You must also be able to prove that you have public or private health insurance, contracted either in Spain or in another country, that provides full cover in Spain, plus you must be able to state that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your family members and not become a burden on Spanish social services during your period of residence
- That you are a European Union member state national, a family member accompanying or meeting a European Union citizen, who meets one of the criteria above. If you are a family member, you may be:
- The spouse or civil partner of a student, or the son or daughter of a student and their spouse or civil partner.
- In all other cases, the spouse or civil partner, their direct descendants and those of their spouse or civil partner under the age of 21 or disabled or older than 21 and dependent on them, plus their or their spouse or civil partner’s parents who are dependent on them.
- Official application form (EX-18) in duplicate, correctly completed and signed by the EU citizen. You can find the form on then press Modelos Generales.
- A valid current passport or national identity document. If it has expired, you will be required to produce a copy of the expired document plus a copy of the renewal application.
- Depending on which one of the following applies to you:
- If you are employed by someone else, you can provide any one of the following documents:
- Employment contract or certificate of employment, including, at least, the name and address of the company, tax code and social security code.
- Employment contract registered with the Public Employment Service (Servicio Público de Empleo) or notification of the contract plus terms and conditions of employment via the CONTRAT@ service.
- Proof of having been enrolled in the appropriate Social Security Service (Seguridad Social) scheme or having similar status or written consent to checks being carried out on your details in the Social Security General Treasury records.
- If you are employed by someone else, you can provide any one of the following documents:
- If you are self-employed, you can provide any one of the following documents:
- Registration in the Economic Activities Census (Censo de Actividades Económicas)
- Registration in the Companies Register (Registro Mercantil)
- Proof of having been enrolled in the appropriate Social Security scheme or having similar status, or written consent to checks being carried out on your details in the Social Security General Treasury (Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social) or Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria) records.
- If you are not currently working in Spain you should provide the following:
- Proof that you have public or private health insurance, contracted either in Spain or in another country, which provides cover in Spain during your period of residence equivalent to the level of healthcare provided by the Spanish state healthcare system. Pensioners can comply with this requirement by producing proof that they have healthcare cover provided by the State where they draw their pension.
- Documentation that proves you have sufficient income for you and your family members while you are resident in Spain. This can be proved by any legally accepted method, such as property deeds, certified cheques, certificates showing income received from capital or credit cards with a bank statement showing the available spending balance.
- If you are a student, you should provide:
- Proof that you are enrolled in a state or private education institution that is either recognised or funded by the appropriate education authority.
- Documentary evidence that you are covered by a health insurance policy. You can show your European health card if it is valid for the period of residency and entitles you to receive adequate healthcare.
- An affidavit that you have sufficient income for your own upkeep and that of your family members during your period of residence in Spain.
- To comply with these requirements, it will be considered sufficient to produce documentary evidence that you are taking part in a European Union educational exchange programme for students and teachers.
- If you are a family member of a European Union citizen, you should provide:
- Up-to-date documentary evidence, if applicable, legal proof of your family relationship with the European Union citizen.
- Documentary evidence of financial dependence.
- Documentary evidence certifying that the family member giving you the right of residence is either employed or self-employed, or has sufficient income plus healthcare insurance, or is a student with sufficient income for their own upkeep and that of their family members plus healthcare insurance.
Person authorised to make the application: a citizen from the European Union or other EEA state, in person.
Place where the application should be made: Foreign Nationals’ Office [Oficina de Extranjería] in the province where you intend to live or the nearest Policía Nacional, the police station. For information on the addresses, telephone numbers and opening hours of Foreign Nationals’ Offices [Oficina de Extranjería] please go to this web site:
Application period: three months counting from date of entry in Spain.
Fee: 10.60 Euros, which must be paid in full before the registry certificate can be issued.
Issue of the registry certificate: once the fee has been paid and provided all requirements have been met, the European Union citizen will be issued immediately with a registry certificate showing their name, nationality, home address, foreign national identity number and registration date.
Renewal of your Certificate of residence
You must renew your Certificate only once after 5 years then you will be a permanent resident. You will obtain the new residence card on the same day. To renew your Certificate of residence you just need the documents listed below, no other conditions:
- Passport or identity card
- The application form EX-18
- The online bank fee payment form with Option: Certificado de registro de residente comunitario o Tarjeta de residencia de familiar de un ciudadano de la Unión.
- Your old original green Residence card or certificate
Forms available at Frigiliana Foreigner’s department
- The application form EX-18
- The online bank fee payment form 790 Código 012 (Filling form online and print next)
Basic Legislation
- Directive 2004/38/CE, issued by the European Parliament and Council of Europe on 29 April 2004, in relation to the rights held by citizens of the European Union and their family members to freely move and reside in the Member States.
- Royal Decree 240/2007, 16 February, on the entry, freedom of movement and residence in Spain of citizens from European Union member states and other states in the European Economic Area (EEA).
- Order PRE/1490/2012, 9 July, setting out rules for applying Article 7 of Royal Decree 240/2004, 16 February, on the entry, freedom of movement and residence in Spain of citizens from European Union member states and other states in the European Economic Area (EEA).
Ready for a new experience?
952 533 002
New Municipal Services
The attention we all deserve
Position: Coordinator of advisory services for foreign residents
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the town hall from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday at the Health Centre from 8:30h to 13:30h
Poste: Conseiller et coordinateur du Service de Conseil des Étrangers.
Tel.: 951 575 994
Fax: 952 533 434
Lundi, mardi, jeudi et vendredi à la mairie de 9h00 à 14h00.
Mercredi au centre de santé de 8h30 à 13h30
Puesto: Asesor y coordinador del servicio de asesoramiento integral al extranjero.
Tel.: 951 575 994
Fax: 952 533 434
Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes en el ayuntamiento de 9:00 a 14:00.
Miércoles en el centro de salud de 8:30h a 13:30h.
- Translation of documents and reports for the different departments within the Town Hall.
- Diverse advice and information on Town Hall issues relevant to foreigners such as:
- Registration on the Town Hall population census
- Requests for building work licences
- Requests for opening licences for new businesses
- Help and assistance with municipal utility bills relating to the Town Hall
- Information on N.I.E numbers and registration certificates
- Information on municipal activities
- Any advice on the principal public organizations that affects the foreign resident
This department was set up with the full backing of the local government realising the need for a quality advisory service for both foreign residents and visitors alike.
Now in place, this advisory department can offer the foreign resident and visitor information on their rights within the municipality as well as advice and information on local activities, services and programs etc.
We are at your full disposal for any questions or queries you may have. Please contact us to make an appointment.
- Traduction de documents et rapports internes liée au départements et bureau de la mairie.
- Conseil et assistance dans les démarches administratives pour étrangers:
- Inscription aux listes électorales et recensement. Certificat d’enregistrement.
- Permis de construire
- Licence municipal de démarrage d’activité
- Impôts et taxes municipales (IBI, ordures, etc.)
- Information pour l’obtention du NIE et autre certificat
- Information sur l’activité municipale.
- Démarches sur autres organismes public concernant aux voisins étrangers.
Ce service a été créé pour dynamiser et faciliter les liens entre résident étranger et l’Administration local ou autre organisme publique.
Nous sommes à votre disposition du lundi au jeudi de 9h00 au 14h00 au 1er étage de la Mairie. Vous pouvez prendre aussi un rendez-vous s’il est nécessaires.
- Traducción de documentos e informes para los diferentes departamentos del Ayuntamiento.
- Asesoramiento e información de los más diversos trámites a extranjeros:
- Solicitudes de empadronamiento
- Licencias de obra
- Licencias de apertura
- Información y ayuda relativos a tasas e impuestos municipales
- Información sobre NIE y certificados de registro
- Información de actividades municipales
- Trámites con otros organismos públicos que afecten al vecino extranjero.
Éste departamento se ha creado para dinamizar y facilitar las relaciones del ciudadano extranjero con el Ayuntamiento y otras instituciones.
Para su mayor comodidad, puede concertar una cita siempre que lo desee.